Product Concept Design & Validation

Companies can spend an incredible amount of time, energy, and money building products and growing their business.  15 Degrees can help minimize project risk by exploring new ideas, uncovering unknown opportunities, and validating design concepts prior to development.

Product Concept Design & Validation

Validating your ideas and underlying assumptions with customers can be one of your biggest strategic and competitive advantages.

Great ideas don’t automatically turn into great products, and very few companies actually devote the time and energy needed to listen to users, learn about what they need, and build something that they truly want.

We get it. Companies are constantly being told to be “agile,” and “lean,” and follow a “fail fast” mantra - but that approach can often result in a lot of wasted time and money, especially if you're aiming in the wrong direction when the team yells, "fire!"

We know how tempting it is to build, but the best ideas take time to grow. Pruning the good ideas and weeding out the bad through rapid prototyping is one of the smartest, low-cost investments you can make.

Establish a Solid Foundation

Understanding, agreeing upon, and validating a shared vision for what a product or service is going to be is one of the most valuable steps a company can take. Our Product Concept Design & Validation Service will help your team identify and evaluate potential ideas to determine which design most effectively meets user and business goals.

In as little as 4 weeks, we can help you:


Stepping away from the office and heading out into the world to observe customers is the best way to discover unmet needs, find opportunities to increase customer value, and help your team move forward, together.


Critical thinking and creativity is more important than artistry when exploring how we might solve a problem.  Designers aren’t the only ones with good ideas; multiple perspectives helps prioritize options and build team alignment.


A prototype doesn’t have to involve working code.  We emphasize testing assumptions and evaluating ideas over perfect designs.  It’s far better, at this stage, to move quickly and plan for iterations than to focus on pixel-perfect perfection.

& Test

We’re not (really) testing the design, we’re testing the validity of our stated assumptions.  If the idea isn’t perfect the first time (it never is), we re-visit assumptions, get rid of what doesn’t work, iterate on what does, and validate again.

Other Services

Product and Customer Research

Design Thinking & Training Workshops

Design Sprint Facilitation

Ready to get started?

We have over 20 years of proven experience in user research, rapid prototyping, and product validation and we're always excited to work with new clients!

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